Quick links

Quick links

Quick link standard type, galvanized

Made in Europe. With connecting nut. Tempered and stamped with CE and WLL, safety factor 5. CE stamping for technical reasons. Possible from Ø 6 mm or greater. Opening using iron nut.


Quick link large opening type, galvanized

Made in Europe. With connecting nut. Tempered and stamped with CE and WLL, safety factor 5. CE stamping for technical reasons. Possible from Ø 6 mm or greater. Opening using iron nut.


Quick link DIN 56927 Form B Blackline

Manufactured according to DGUVwith a safety factor of 10.
It has a large opening, is painted black and stamped with the DIN standard, manufacturer´s name and the carrying capacity.


Quick link DIN 56927 Form A galvanized

Manufactured according to DGUV with a safety factor of 10.
It has a compact shape, is galvanized and stamped with the DIN standard, manufacturer´s name and the carrying capacity.


Quick link DIN 56927 Form B galvanized

Manufactured according to DGUV with a safety factor of 10.
It has a large opening, is galvanized and stamped with the DIN standard, manufacturer´s name and the carrying capacity.


Quick link, stainless steel A4 DIN 56927 Form B 

Manufactured according to DGUV with a safety factor of 10. With large opening, Nirosta stainless steel, stamped with AISI 316, manufacturer and load capacity.


2023 · All prices are in euros plus tax